Monday, March 26, 2012


A bunch of us saw Hunger Games this past weekend. Movies are such a great way to keep the talk going between your kids and grankids. Projects are good too. I love to here my grankids talk about books they are writing, their artwork, their favorite video games and heroes and especially the books they are reading. I say "talk" but most of the time it is talk through e-mail and internet communications. So many people my age and older quietly sit back and hear about the internet but don't know how to use it. (That includes me with a lot of areas!)  I wonder if my parents and my in-laws would let us teach them the basics. I would have to visit with them and maybe have one of my whiz kids or grankids with me and not let them say, "oh, I can't learn that!"or "I have no use for that!"  Lots of my older friends & relatives have computers purchased for them by family members, but using them is a whole other story!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

1943 copper penny?

The other day my 11 yr old grandaughter e-mailed me and asked if I had a 1943 copper penny in my coin collection and can she have it if I did? I was about to write back that sure if I had one I would send it to her. I asked hubby if he thought we had one and he checked for it's value on e-bay,  it turns out that they are very rare because in 1943 all copper was used to make WW2 weapons and most pennies were made out of steel at that time. I wrote back this information to her and she said that there was a man that was trying to buy a copper penny for $100,000.00.  Wow, who new!!!!  I do have a 1934 wheat penny, I think it might be worth $9.00 depending on the condition.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Simple Pleasures

We went to see our 14 year old grandaughter play in South Pacific last night. She got to be one of the nurses. How fun it was to see her sing and dance. How fun it was to see her face light up when she saw us there! She and another grandaughter play the flute. I wonder if I could get my old flute out and try and play it with them. It's a grama thing. Hehe!

Friday, March 9, 2012

College Kid

I need my college kid to come home and show me some more things about having a blog. Even though I read the instructions, I just can't seem to understand until someone shows me. Oh well, lots of my friends won't  admit how computer illiterate they are. They just nod their head and say "oh, yes" when you are discussing or joking about twitter or facebook or the like. At least I admit it!  It's the same with being a nurse. So many of us older RN's won't admit that we don't know something or ask someone for instructions. After all, we are suppose to know everything! Haha,hehe! My grandaughter says she wants to be a nurse like me. It's nice to hear her say that, but these days we do more paper work than patient care lots of the time. Grrrrr!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

White ice cream & spicey juice

White ice cream & spicey juice? Silly people! Everyone knows that means root beer floats, of course, hehe!        The other day the kids were here and grandma got out the vanilla ice cream. I didn't get any for myself and the 4 year old said:  "you have some too grandma."  I muttered, "Grandma's too fat, I'll have some juice."  The 6 yr. old looked straight into my eyes and said, "You are not fat, you are just trying to eat healthy!" It was so sweet.